Think product. Gain influence.

Aug 15, 2024
10 min read
Think product. Gain influence. header image

It had been a few weeks, but I was finally wrapping up the most epic rework my team had ever seen. A process that once took over 10 minutes to run was now going to blaze through in just 30 seconds! I was about to become a real customer hero, and my teammates would finally see just how much of a software guru I truly was. I pushed my final commit, penned some bold release notes about the incredible speed boost, and cut the release. Now, all that was left was to sit back and wait for the praises to roll in. Except… they didn’t. Nobody seemed to care. What!?

Puzzled, I approached one of the users, hoping they just hadn’t had a chance to use it yet. I excitedly asked them to press the button that triggered the process and watch. They clicked it, watched for a second or two, and then got up to make a coffee. Hold up! There’s not enough time to make a coffee - it’ll be done in less than a minute! As it turned out, this process was typically run in the morning, with the results only being checked in the afternoon. It could have taken two hours to run, and no one would have cared. Maybe if I’d gotten it down to a second or two, it would have been interesting, but anything longer than that… and I’d already lost the attention of whoever was using it. Suddenly, I wasn’t so eager to share this with my team.

This experience taught me a crucial lesson: no matter how technically brilliant your work may be, it’s only as valuable as the impact it has on the people using it. As software engineers, we often get caught up in the thrill of optimising code or creating elegant solutions, but true influence - and the path to career growth - comes from thinking beyond the code. By cultivating a deep understanding of how customers interact with your product and what they genuinely need, you can not only elevate your contributions but also position yourself as a key player in driving the product’s success. Developing this “product thinking” boosts your influence at work, making promotions, pay rises, and greater satisfaction in your role much easier to achieve.

What is this “product thinking” thing anyways?

As software engineers, it's easy to get lost in the world of code, algorithms, and just generally wanting to build things. We often pride ourselves on the efficiency of our code, the cleverness of our solutions, or the elegance of our architectures. While these are undoubtedly important, they’re only one piece of the puzzle. What truly sets influential engineers apart is their ability to see beyond the code and understand the product as a whole.

Product thinking is about understanding how your work fits into the bigger picture - how it contributes to the user experience, meets business goals, and ultimately solves real problems for customers. It’s not just about building something that works; it’s about building something that matters.

When you start to think in terms of the product, you begin to ask different questions. Instead of just “How can I make this feature faster or more efficient?” you start thinking, “How is this feature being used? Does it actually make the user’s life easier? Is it helping the business achieve its goals?” These questions push you to go beyond just writing code - they push you to understand the why behind what you're building.

This shift in perspective doesn’t just benefit the end-users; it also significantly boosts your influence within your team and the broader organisation. Engineers who demonstrate a clear understanding of the product’s value are more likely to be involved in strategic discussions, roadmap planning, and key decision-making processes. Instead of being seen solely as a technical expert, you become a critical player in the product’s success story. This kind of influence naturally leads to recognition, promotions, and pay rises, as you’re seen as someone who not only gets the job done but also drives the product forward.

In essence, product thinking bridges the gap between technical excellence and real-world impact. It’s what turns good engineers into great ones, and it’s what can transform your career from being just another coder to being a driving force behind a successful product.

You’ve sold me. How do I grow these “product thinking” muscles?

Developing product thinking doesn’t require a complete change in how you approach your work - it’s about building new habits and perspectives that complement your technical skills. Like building muscle, it takes consistent effort, but the results are well worth it. Here are some ways you can start flexing those muscles.

Get up close and personal with your users

The foundation of product thinking is understanding who you’re building for. While talking directly to users and observing them in action is ideal, it’s not always easy to coordinate. But don’t worry - there are tools that make this much easier!

  • Screen recording (e.g., Microsoft Clarity, HotJar Screen Recordings): Watching real users interact with your product can be a game-changer. Tools like Clarity or HotJar let you see exactly how users navigate your app, where they hesitate, and what frustrates them. These insights are invaluable for identifying usability issues and understanding which features truly matter. I highly recommend Microsoft Clarity - it’s free, and it’s super simple to set up and use.
  • User feedback: Don’t rely solely on filtered feedback from customer support or product managers - get involved in user feedback loops yourself. Whether you’re sitting in on a user testing session or reading through customer reviews, direct interaction with users gives you a much deeper understanding of their needs and pain points.

Understand behaviour at scale with analytics

While observing individual users through screen recordings, reviews, or interviews is invaluable, it’s limited by the time you have. Analytics tools like Google Analytics or Amplitude allow you to gather and review data in aggregate, giving you a broader view of how your products are being used - helping you make better-informed decisions.

  • Track user interactions: Set up tracking for key interactions within your product. Whether it’s monitoring how often a particular feature is used or understanding which paths users take through your app, this data reveals what’s working and what isn’t.
  • Measure impact: Before tackling your next technical challenge, think about how you’ll measure its impact. Will speeding up a process actually improve the user experience, or are there other bottlenecks that need attention first? Using data to prioritise your work ensures you’re addressing the right problems.

Put yourself in the user’s shoes

Building empathy for your users is pretty darn important on your journey towards developing strong product thinking. It’s not just about understanding their needs on paper but about genuinely experiencing what they go through.

  • Use your product like a customer: Take some time each week or so to use your product as if you were a customer. Try to work through common tasks or navigate through the app (and try to avoid using wild shortcuts and insider knowledge to speed things up). Getting hands-on can reveal pain points, frustrations, and opportunities for improvement that might not be obvious from the technical sidelines.
  • Shadow customer support: If you have a customer support team (you lucky duck!) spend a day shadowing them. Seeing the questions and problems that customers encounter firsthand can give you golden insights into their experiences and challenges. This direct exposure helps you understand their perspective and anticipate their needs more effectively. Just be prepared - some of those angry customer messages can be overwhelming and seem downright outrageous at times, so maybe keep a calming beverage nearby!

Yell your insights from the rooftops

What good is all that newfound product wisdom if it stays locked in your head? To truly make an impact, you’ve got to share your insights loud and clear - like you’re yelling them from the rooftops (but maybe don’t actually yell, you’ll scare everyone off).

  • Be the user’s advocate: When you’re in meetings or discussions, don’t just think about the technical details - channel your inner user champion! Ask questions like, “How much will our users care about this change?” or “What is their actual problem? Is this the best way to solve it?” This approach not only keeps your team focused on what matters but also positions you as the go-to person for user-centric decisions.
  • Spread the word: When you discover something awesome (or concerning) through your customer mind-melds, don’t keep it locked up in your own head. Whether it’s a quick shout-out in a team meeting, a Slack message, or a fun Friday afternoon Loom video, make sure your insights are heard. The clearer and more actionable your message, the better. You’ll be surprised how often this can steer the team in the right direction and boost your influence at the same time.

What’s in it for big ol’ me?

Beyond knowing you’ve made everyone’s lives better? Gosh. Well, how about the fact that it’s a wonderfully effective way to advance your career? By focusing on how your work impacts users and the business, you naturally stand out as a strategic contributor. This shift in mindset earns you recognition and establishes you as a critical player in the team - not just for your technical skills, but for your ability to bridge the gap between technology and customer value.

As your influence grows, so do your opportunities for career advancement. Product thinkers are often seen as leaders who can connect the dots between user needs and business goals, making promotions and pay rises more attainable. Beyond that, embracing product thinking adds purpose to your work, leading to greater job satisfaction and long-term career fulfilment.

Embracing product thinking is more than just a shift in perspective - it’s a powerful tool for personal and professional growth. By putting yourself in the user’s shoes, leveraging data to drive decisions, and focusing on the real-world impact of your work, you not only enhance the products you build but also set yourself up for greater recognition, influence, and career satisfaction. Start flexing those product thinking muscles, and you’ll soon find that the rewards go far beyond the code.